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Received : 17-09-2022

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Concept of Yogic / Panchgavya diet and holistic health

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Author Details : Neeraj Medharthi, Ajay Pal*, Anuradha Saini, Sapna Yadav, Anuj Kumari, Nikita Pandit

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2022

Article Page : 143-146

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Health is a positive concept accentuating social and personal assets as well as physical and psychological aptitudes. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) health is defined as a “state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being and not only the abseeeism of disease or disability. Health brings “broadness”- nothing is missing from the person; it brings “proper functions”-everything is working proficientl. According to modern science the gross (physical) body is made up of packets of energy. The ancient scripture taitiraya upaniñad has mentioned that physical body is made of annam and the annam is called food; which consist of païcamahäbhüta. From many of the Scriptural and Scientific evidences it is clear that among all the diet pattern Panchgavya diet suits very well to human body for achieving Holistic Health.

Keywords: Yogic Diet, Panchgavya Diet, Holistic health, Disease, Food

How to cite : Medharthi N, Pal A, Saini A, Yadav S, Kumari A, Pandit N, Concept of Yogic / Panchgavya diet and holistic health. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2022;5(4):143-146

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