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Effect of fast food as a responsible factor for nutritional deficiency on college going female student’s health

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Author Details : Shwetma Mishra

Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2018

Article Page : 5-7

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The resent research trends, shows many previous successes in the past years and which also pointed for many future related tasks for the women health. The future will be very challenge full. Nutrients deficiency affects both the body’s immunological and non-immunological defences. As a result, it increases the incidence, severity, and duration of common infectious diseases, such as Tuberculosis (TB) and auto immune disorders which spreads all over the country, and have no control over their productivity. Each undiagnosed and wrongly diagnosed patient’s spreads the disease in their family and the community. Now days researches shows that the spread of tuberculosis (TB) and the HIV pandemic continued to fuel one another, and the growing threat of co infection posed new risks for already vulnerable populations. In some regions the majority of new infections were seen in young adults, especially young women

How to cite : Mishra S, Effect of fast food as a responsible factor for nutritional deficiency on college going female student’s health. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2018;1(1):5-7

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