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Co-relation between waist circumference and serum triglyceride levels

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Author Details : Edwina Raj*, Umme Kulsum, Apoorva , Andalip

Volume : 1, Issue : 3, Year : 2018

Article Page : 34-35

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The study aims at evaluating patients visiting for regular health check up presented with hypertriglyceridemia and positively influenced abdominal obesity. Hypertriglyceridaemia, a condition in which TG levels are elevated, is a common type of dyslipidaemia. It is believed to be a risk for coronary artery disease, diabetes and etiology for acute pancreatitis. Study was conducted on 30 patients who had high triglycerides and waist circumference were checked on their visit. Other anthropometry details were also recorded. As per the study the results showed a significant association between the Triglyceride levels and the waist circumference. The standard WHO cut off value for waist circumference were referred to compare the recorded values. A complete diet and lifestyle modification with patient education was reinforced to prevent triglyceride induced pancreatitis, insulin resistance and to reduce the risk for coronary heart disease among our health check patients.

Keywords: Triglycerides, Hypertriglyceridemia, Waist circumference, Dyslipidemia, Pancreatitis.

How to cite : Raj E, Kulsum U , Apoorva, Andalip, Co-relation between waist circumference and serum triglyceride levels. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2018;1(3):34-35

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